Links to Species Photos and InfoFlora website - Onagraceae (Willowherbs) Orchidaceae (Orchids) Orobanchaceae (Broomrapes) Plantaginaceae (Plantains) Polygalaceae (Milkworts) Polygonaceae (Docks)
Click on species name to go to photo album. Where there are two or more photographs of the same species the link will go (I hope) to the first in the album. Click on InforFlora to go to Swiss website for species description, maps, etc.
Epilobium alsinifolium (Chickweed Willowherb) - InfoFlora
Epilobium anagallidifolium (Pimpernel-leaved Willowherb) - InfoFlora
Epilobium fleischeri (Fleischer's WIllowherb) - InfoFlora
Coeloglossum viride (Green Frog Orchid) - InfoFlora
Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid) - InfoFlora
Dactylorhiza cruenta (Early Marsh Orchid) - InfoFlora
Dactylorhiza maculata ssp fuchsii (Common Spotted-orchid) - InfoFlora
Epipactis atrorubens (Dark Red Helleborine) - InfoFlora
Gymnadenia conopsea (Fragrant Orchid) - InfoFlora
Listera ovata (Twayblade) - InfoFlora
Nigritella rhelllicani (Black Vanilla Orchid) - InfoFlora
Orchis mascula (Early-purple Orchid) - InfoFlora
Bartsia alpina (Alpine Bartsia) - InfoFlora
Euphrasia alpina (Alpine Eyebright) - InfoFlora
Euphrasia christii (Christ's Eyebright) - InfoFlora
Euphrasia minima (Dwarf Eyebright) - InfoFlora
Euphrasia rostkoviana (Rostkov's Eyebright) - InfoFlora
Euphrasia salisburgensis (Eyebright-of-Salzburg) - InfoFlora
Melampyrum sylvaticum (Small Cow-wheat) - InfoFlora
Orobanche spp (Broomrape species) - InfoFlora
Pedicularis kerneri (Kerner's Lousewort) - InfoFlora
Pedicularis tuberosa (Tuberous Lousewort) - InfoFlora
Pedicularis verticillata (Whorled Lousewort) - InfoFlora
Rhinanthus alectorolophus (Hairy Yellow-rattle) - InfoFlora
Rhinanthus glacialis (Aristate Yellow-rattle) - InfoFlora
Fumaria schleicheri (Schleicher's Fumitory) - InfoFlora
Globularia bisnagarica (Common Globularia) - InfoFlora
Globularia cordifolia (Heart-leaved Globularia) - InfoFlora
Linaria alpina (Alpine Toadflax) - InfoFlora
Linaria angustissima (Italian Toadflax) - InfoFlora
Plantago media (Hoary Plantain) - InfoFlora
Plantago serpentina (Serpentine Plantain) - InfoFlora
Veronica alpina (Alpine Speedwell) - InfoFlora
Veronica bellidioides (Daisy-leaved Speedwell) - InfoFlora
Veronica fruticans (Rock Speedwell) - InfoFlora
Briza media (Common Quaking-grass) - InfoFlora
Nardus stricta (Mat-grass) - InfoFlora
Polygala alpestris (Mountain Milkwort) - InfoFlora
Polygala alpina (Alpine Milkwort) - InfoFlora
Polygala chamaebuxus (Shrubby Milkwort) - InfoFlora
Polygala comosa (Tufted Milkwort) - InfoFlora
Oxyria digyna (Mountain Sorrel) - InfoFlora
Polygonum arenastrum (Equal-leaved Knotgrass) - InfoFlora
Polygonum bistorta (Bistort) - InfoFlora