Links to Species Photos and InfoFlora website - Primulaceae (Primroses) Pteridophyta (Ferns and allies) Ranunculaceae (Buttercups) Rosaceae (Roses) Rubiaceae (Bedstraws)
Click on species name to go to photo album. Where there are two or more photographs of the same species the link will go (I hope) to the first in the album. Click on InforFlora to go to Swiss website for species description, maps, etc.
Androsace alpina (Alpine Rock-jasmine) - InfoFlora
Androsace obtusifolia (Obtuse-leaved Rock-jasmine) - InfoFlora
Androsace puberula (Flesh-coloured Rock-jasmine) - InfoFlora
Androsace vitaliana (Yellow Rock-jasmine) - InfoFlora
Primula farinosa (Bird's-eye Primrose) - InfoFlora
Primula hirsuta (Stinking PrImrose) - InfoFlora
Soldanella alpina (Alpine Snowbell) - InfoFlora
Asplenium septentrionale (Forked Spleenwort) - InfoFlora
Asplenium viride (Green Spleenwort) - InfoFlora
Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort) - InfoFlora
Cystopteris fragillis (Brittle Bladder-fern) - InfoFlora
Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern) - InfoFlora
Gymnocarpium robertianum (Limestone Fern) - InfoFlora
Polystichum lonchitis (Holly-fern) - InfoFlora
Aconitum lycoctonum ssp vulparia (Wolf's-bane) - InfoFlora
Anemone baldensis (Mt. Baldo Anemone) - InfoFlora
Callianthemum coriandrifolium (Coriander-leaved Callienthemum) - InfoFlora
Hepatica nobilis (Liverleaf) - InfoFlora
Pulsatilla alpina ssp apiifolia (Yellow Alpine Pasqueflower) - InfoFlora
Pulsatilla halleri (Haller's Pasqueflower) - InfoFlora
Pulsatilla vernalis (Spring Pasqueflower) - InfoFlora
Ranunculus glacialis (Glacial Crowfoot) - InfoFlora
Ranunculus kuepferi (Kuepfer's Crowfoot) - InfoFlora
Ranunculus montanus (Mountain Buttercup) - InfoFlora
Ranunculus platanifolius (Large White Buttercup) - InfoFlora
Ranunculus villarsii (Villar's Buttercup) - InfoFlora
Trollius europaeus (Globeflower) - InfoFlora
RHAMNACEAE (Buckthorns)
Rhamnus pumila (Dwarf Buckthorn) - InfoFlora
Alchemilla hybrida (Hybrid Lady's-mantle) - InfoFlora
Alchemilla pentaphyllea (Five-fingered Lady's-mantle) - InfoFlora
Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens) - InfoFlora
Geum montanum (Alpine Avens) - InfoFlora
Geum reptans (Creeping Avens) - InfoFlora
Geum rivale (Water Avens) - InfoFlora
Potentilla argentea (Hoary Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla aurea (Golden Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla crantzii (Alpine Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla frigida (Frigid Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla grandiflora (Large-flowered Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla multifida (Cut-leaved Potentilla) - InfoFlora
Potentilla pusilla (Small Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla recta (Sulphur Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla rupestris (Rock Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Potentilla verna (Spring Cinquefoil) - InfoFlora
Rosa pendulina (Alpine Rose) - InfoFlora
Rosa villosa (Apple Rose) - InfoFlora
Sibbaldia procumbens (Sibbaldia) - InfoFlora
RUBIACEAE (Bedstraws)
Galium boreale (Northern Bedstraw) - InfoFlora