Links to Species Photos and InfoFlora website - Cupressaceae (Junipers) Fabaceae (Peas)
Click on species name to go to photo album. Where there are two or more photographs of the same species the link will go (I hope) to the first in the album. Click on InfoFlora to go to Swiss website for species description, maps, etc.
Juniperus sabina (Savin) - InfoFlora
Carex atrata ssp atrata (Black Sedge) - InfoFlora
Carex davalliana (Davall's Sedge) - InfoFlora
Eriophorum angustifolium (Common Cottongrass) - InfoFlora
Eriophorum scheuchzeri (Scheuchzer's Cottongrass) - InfoFlora
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Common Bearberry) - InfoFlora
Loiseleuria procumbens (Trailing Azalea) - InfoFlora
Orthilia secunda (Serrated Wintergreen) - InfoFlora
Pyrola media (Intermediate Wintergreen) - InfoFlora
Pyrola minor (Common Wintergreen) - InfoFlora
Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaved Wintergreen) - InfoFlora
Rhododendron ferrugineum (Alpenrose) - InfoFlora
Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Cowberry) - InfoFlora
Euphorbia cyparissias (Cypress Spurge) - InfoFlora
Anthyllis vulneraria ssp valesiaca (Valais Kidney Vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus alpinus (Alpine Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus australis (Southern Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus exscapus (Stemless Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus leontinus (Linz Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus monsplessulanus (Montpellier Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Astragalus penduliflorus (Mountain Lentil) - InfoFlora
Astragalus sempervirens (Spiny Milk-vetch) - InfoFlora
Hippocrepis comosa (Horseshoe Vetch) - InfoFlora
Lathyrus pratensis (Meadow Vetchling) - InfoFlora
Lathyrus sylvestris (Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea) - InfoFlora
Lotus alpinus (Alpine Bird's-foot-trefoil) - InfoFlora
Lotus corninculatus (Common Bird's-foot-trefoil) - InfoFlora
Ononis rotundifolia (Round-leaved Restharrow) - InfoFlora
Oxytropis campestris (Yellow Oxytropis) - InfoFlora
Oxytropis fetida (Stinking Oxytropis) - InfoFlora
Oxytropis halleri ssp velutina (Haller's Oxytropis) - InfoFlora
Oxytropis helvetica (Swiss Oxytropis) - InfoFlora
Oxytropis lapponica (Subarctic Oxytropis) - InfoFlora
Trifolium alpestre (Hill Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium alpinum (Alpine Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium arvense (Hare's-foot Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium badium (Brown Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium montanum (Mountain Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium pallescens (Pale Clover) - InfoFlora
Trifolium pratense ssp nivale (Snow Clover) - InfoFlora