Cerastium cerastoides (Starwort Mouse-ear)
Clinopodium vulgare (Wild Basil)
Colchicum alpinum (Alpine Meadow Saffron)
Colchicum alpinum (Alpine Meadow Saffron)
Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid)
Cuscuta europaea (Greater Dodder)
Parasitising Common Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Cuscuta europaea (Greater Dodder)
Parasitising Common Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Daphne merezeum (Merezeon)
Dianthus carthusianorum (Carthusian Pink)
Draba aizoides (Yellow Whitlowgrass)
Echium Vulgare (Viper's Bugloss)
Echium Vulgare (Viper's Bugloss)
Epilobium alsinifolium (Chickweed Willowherb)
Epilobium alsinifolium (Chickweed Willowherb)
Epilobium fleischeri (Fleischer's Willowherb)
Epipactis atrorubens (Dark Red Helleborine)
Epipactis atrorubens (Dark Red Helleborine)
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Eriophorum scheuchzeri (Scheuchzer's Cottongrass)