Salvia pratensis (Meadow Clary)
Tofieldia pusilla (Scottish Asphodel)
Tofieldia pusilla (Scottish Asphodel)
Pinguicula leptoceras (Hairy-spurred Butterwort)
Pinguicula leptoceras (Hairy-spurred Butterwort)
Trifolium alpinum (Alpine Clover)
Callianthemum coriandrifolium (Coriander-leaved Callianthemum)
Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Butterwort)
Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Butterwort)
Hieracium piliferum (Hairy Hawkweed)
The presence of long hairs on stem and relatively fewer black glandular hairs on stem ought to distinguish this species from H. gl…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Potentilla multifida (Cut-leaved Potentilla)
Leontodon helveticus (Swiss Hawkbit)