Gnaphalium hoppeanum (Hoppe's Cudweed)
Gnaphalium supinum (Dwarf Cudweed)
B - Monte Rosa and the Gornergletscher glacier
Helianthemum alpestre (Alpine Rock-rose)
Herniaria alpina (Alpine Rupturewort)
Herniaria alpina (Alpine Rupturewort)
Hieracium murorum (Wall Hawkweed)
Hieracium peleterianum (Lepeletier's Hawkweed)
Hieracium pilosella (Mouse-ear Hawkweed)
Hieracium pilosella (Mouse-ear Hawkweed)
Hieracium staticifolium (Statice-leaved Hawkweed)
Hippocrepis comosa (Horseshoe Vetch)
Hippocrepis comosa (Horseshoe Vetch)
P - From the restaurant at Sunnegga
S - From near Stafel looking towards Schoenbielhutte
C - The melting Gornergletscher glacier
D - Riffelsee near Rotenboden
A - Gornergrat July 20161
K - Gornergletscher valley showing the glacier in the distance
L - Hydroelectric dam in Gornergletscher valley
F - The beginning of the path from Riffelberg to Riffelalp