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New in 2018
Astrantia minor (Lesser Astrantia)
Bartsia alpina (Alpine Bartsia)
Biscutella laevigata (Buckler Mustard)
Biscutella laevigata (Buckler Mustard)
Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort)
Callianthemum coriandrifolium (Coriander-leaved Callianthemum)
Campanula cochleariifolia (Small Belflower)
Campanula spicata (Spiked Bellflower)
Cardamine resedifolia (Reseda Bitter-cress)
Cerastium cerastoides (Starwort Mouse-ear)
Cerastium cerastoides (Starwort Mouse-ear)
Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid)
Draba aizoides (Yellow Whitlowgrass)
Draba aizoides (Yellow Whitlowgrass)
Echium Vulgare (Viper's Bugloss)
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erysimum rhaeticum (Swiss Treacle Mustard)
Gagea fragifera (Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem)
Gentiana acaulis (Koch's Gentian)