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Antennaria dioica (Mountain Everlasting)
Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort)
Ranunculus montanus (Mountain Buttercup)
Nardus stricta (Mat-grass)
Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort)
Phyteuma hemisphaericum (Globe-headed Rampion)
Phyteuma hemisphaericum (Globe-headed Rampion)
Arenaria biflora (Two-flowered Sandwort)
with leaves of Salix herbacea (Dwarf Willow)
Hieracium glanduliferum (Glandular Hawkweed)
Belongs to H. piliferum aggr. dense covering of black glandular hairs on stem identifies as H. glanduliferum
Androsace obtusifolia (Obtuse-leaved Rock-jasmine)
Sempervivum montanum (Mountain House-leek)
Sempervivum montanum (Mountain House-leek)
Sempervivum montanum (Mountain House-leek)
with foliage of Saxifraga bryoides (Mossy Saxifrage)
Minuartia recurva (Recurved Sandwort)
Sempervivum tectorum (Common House-leek)
with Convolvulus arvensis (Field Bindweed)
Allium sphaerocephalon (Round-headed Leek)
Allium sphaerocephalon (Round-headed Leek)
Allium oleraceum (Field Garlic)
Acinos alpinus (Alpine Calamint)
Achillea millefolium agg. (Yarrow)
The pink flowers suggest A. millefolium;other features suggest A. collina or A. setacea - take your pick
Sedum album (White Stonecrop)