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Echium Vulgare (Viper's Bugloss)
Myosotis alpestris (Alpine Forget-me-not)
Unusual white form
Solidago virgaurea ssp minuta (Alpine Goldenrod)
Senecio doronicum (Leopard's-bane Groundsel)
Leontodon hispidus ssp hispidus (Rough Hawkbit)
Hieracium tomentosum (Woolly Hawkweed)
Homogyne alpina (Purple Colt's-foot)
Hieracium murorum (Wall Hawkweed)
Homogyne alpina (Purple Colt's-foot)
Hieracium piliferum (Hairy Hawkweed)
The presence of long hairs on stem and relatively fewer black glandular hairs on stem ought to distinguish this species from H. gl…
Hieracium glanduliferum (Glandular Hawkweed)
Belongs to H. piliferum aggr. dense covering of black glandular hairs on stem identifies as H. glanduliferum
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Erigeron uniflorus (One-flowered Fleabane)
Small size and low height (<3cm), woolly bracts, white ligulate florets, and leaves (some lower ones spoon shaped) with long a…
Aster bellidastrum (Micheli's Daisy
Antennaria dioica (Mountain Everlasting)
male plants
Antennaria dioica (Mountain Everlasting)
male plants with Thymus praecox
Antennaria carpatica (Carpathian Catsfoot)
female plant
Antennaria carpatica (Carpathian Catsfoot)
male plant
Antennaria dioica (Mountain Everlasting)
female plants
Achillea macrophylla (Large-leaved Yarrow)